Festivals, Events and Conferences

Family fun for everyone!
2024 Event Schedule
Waskesiu Open Tennis Tournament – June 14-16
This is a Tennis Saskatchewan-sanctioned event featuring men's and women's singles, doubles, and mixed doubles competitions. For more information please visit: http://www.tennissask.com.
Canada Day Kick Off – June 29
Friends of the Park will be hosting: Elder Blessing Ceremony - Children’s Morning
- Bannock Tasting - Music in the Slu
Canada Day Kick Off Party- Click here for full details. Tickets are available in advance at the WRA office or at the door.
Canada Day Parade Bike Decorating - June 30
Bike decorating on the WRA grounds from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Canada Day – July 1
Celebrate Canada's 157th birthday in Waskesiu!
- Pancake Breakfast 8:00 am to 11:00 am at the Waskesiu Community Hall (adults $10;
children 10 & under $6)
- Bike Decorating by the Beaver Glen campground from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Canada Day Parade starts at 12:00 noon at the Beaver Glen entrance (be there by 11:30
am if participating). Kids, families, individuals and businesses are invited to participate.
Floats, bikes and pets are welcome! Fill out a parade registration form by June 29 and
drop it off at our office or email wramanager21@gmail.com
- Flag Raising Ceremony & Free Cupcakes 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm behind the Visitor Centre
- Beer Gardens with free live music, food trucks & vendors 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the
Waskesiu Community Hall
- Face Painting, Lego Castle 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm near the beer gardens
Steven Page Trio Fundraising Concert - July 11
This year marks the Waskesiu Foundation's 25th anniversary and they celebrating with an epic fundraising event featuring the Steven Page Trio. Purchase Tickets.
Waskesiu Children’s Festival – July 20
The Waskesiu Children’s Festival is fun for the whole family! Starting at 10 a.m. and going right through to 3 p.m., the day features interactive hoop dancing, face painting, games, crafts, music, snacks, Lego Castle, and more! This is a wonderful, family friendly, Waskesiu tradition. Find us near the tennis courts and mini golf course at 1500 Montreal Drive.
CLICK HERE for poster.
Beach Bum's Bash Volleyball Tournament and Cabaret – August 3
The party of the summer for ages 19+. Tickets are available in advance at the WRA office or at the door. CLICK HERE for event poster and details.
Grey Owl Howl - August 4
This annual family dance held at the Community Hall is for the entire family - all ages are welcome. Enjoy music, raffles, light snacks, and drinks and a family dance party. Tickets available at the door. CLICK HERE for event poster.
Frank Dunn Triathlon – August 11
The Frank Dunn Triathlon is one of the most anticipated triathlons in Saskatchewan. It is also the oldest triathlon in Western Canada, having started back in 1982! Come out to swim, bike, and run in, and around, the Waskesiu townsite. For more information CLICK HERE.
​Waskesiu Lakeside Music Festival – August 23-25
Started in 2015, the Waskesiu Lakeside Music Festival (WLMF) has grown to be one of the premier summer events in Saskatchewan. Situated along the beautiful main beach, wide open lush green space, and bustling downtown streets at Waskesiu Lake in Prince Albert National Park, WLMF is the place to be. Hosted by the Waskesiu Recreation Association over three days in August, the Waskesiu Lakeside Music Festival presented by Phantom Light Distillery features more than 20 hours of musical performances from over 15 artists covering multiple genres, an Indigenous talent showcase, Original 16 Beer Gardens, food vendors, children’s activities, shopping, and so much more. Join over 4000 music fans for a unique FREE outdoor experience that could only happen at Waskesiu. CLICK HERE for Fast Facts about the Waskesiu Lakeside Music Festival. CLICK HERE for this year’s line-up and schedule. Visit the Lakeside Festival website (lakesidefestival.ca) for additional information on the event.
Waskesiu Lakeside Music Festival Street Fair and Car Show - August 25
Rain or shine 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Lakeview Drive across from the main beach.
Reel Rave - September 6, 7 and 8
This year’s six films will be selected in the middle of summer, and publicized as soon as the festival knows they are available. Ticket prices will be the same as last year - $15 per film per customer or three (3) films for $40. More information can be found on the Twin Pine Cinema website (twinpinecinema.ca) or on the Reel Rave website (reelravefilmfest.ca).
Outter Limits Fun Run – September 21
The Outter Limits Fun Run is back! And we can't wait to see you September 21, 2024 in the Waskesiu town site. Plans are well underway and registration is now open. Donations this year will be made to the Waskesiu Recreation Renewal Project, Sask Trails Association, and Canadian Mental Health. CLICK HERE to register.
Remembrance Day- November 11
Meet at the Hawood Inn at 10:30 and then walk to the Nature Centre for a ceremony of remembrance. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony at the Hawood Inn.

AA Meetings - May to September
Waskesiu Lake Library - Open July and August
Kids Tennis Lessons - (tentative)
Bingo - Each Wednesday in July and August
- Hosted by Waskesiu Heritage Museum
You can make a positive impact for Waskesiu - Be a volunteer!
One of the items identified in the Waskesiu “Vision 2028” Action Plan was the creation of a Volunteer Database for the Waskesiu community. Signing up is simple, and yet important. Even if you have been a long-time volunteer in Waskesiu, please complete this online form so that we have the most up to date information. Feel free to invite friends, relatives, or annual visitors to Waskesiu to sign up! Our community thrives on a variety of activities and events, and we can't be successful without volunteers. CLICK HERE for the Volunteer Sign Up Form.